Category Archives: Farm Biz

Protected: THE FARM CEO (Issue 42): Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Agricultural Development: Strategy Overview, Smallholder Farming in Africa: 5 Major NGOs, Five Innovative NGOs in Agriculture

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FREE Talk – 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products – PLUS N20.5k Feed Formulation Software & Handbook Bundle Giveaway Promo [For Farmer Groups/Organisations Members]

Apart from attracting new members to join your group/organisation, this offer can make your existing members value their membership more.


Plus it can actually earn the body extra income at zero cost.


Interested persons can reach me using details provided below.


Click here to download the generic one page flyer that spells out details of my offer.


Click here to download the generic one page flyer that spells out details of my offer

What I propose can benefit your group/organization in multiple ways:


<b>1. My FREE talk offers useful information/education about how to sell farm produce more profitably and in a sustainable manner.</b>


Your members will greatly appreciate the extensive experience based knowledge and insights I have to offer.


<b>2. I offer my popular Feed Formulation Bundle at a huge discount (over 50%) to registered members of every group/organisation that invites me to give the above FREE talk.</b>


A. You can use that to attract more people to register/join your organization I.e if they join you, they get to pay over 50% less than they would, if they bought directly from me: see normal prices at <a href=”” target=”blank”> </a>


B. You can also use this hefty discount benefit to boost the prestige/bragging rights of your existing members, making them value their membership more – and they would tell others.


<b>3. What’s more, your organization/group can also earn additional income if up to 50 or more of your members order my Feed Formulation Bundle. </b>


<a href=”” target=”blank”>Contact me for details about this – click here</a>.


<b>Let me know if you’d like to take up this offer. </b>


Note that the organisation inviting me to deliver the FREE talk will cover relevant costs (transportation etc).


I can be reached on +234 803 302 1263 (in Nigeria – where I’m currently with my family) or +229 66 122 136 (in Benin Republic – which is my base).




Before you call me, you need to first of all click here to send me a formal notification with your full details in my website request form – <a href=”” target=”blank”>click here now</a>.

Protected: THE FARM CEO (Issue 41): Farmers – and Suppliers – Contact Details, Maize Daily Prices/Charts & Data, Climate-smart agriculture, Using text messaging to train fish farmers

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How You Can Create Income Generating Assets Without Having a Job or ANY Money! (True Story)

The gentleman posted as follows:

“…so how can young people in South Africa create Assets with out having jobs?…”

This article is based on a comment I recently posted in response to the above question posed by a South African follower of Robert Kiyosaki(RK)’s Facebook business page, in response to a post announcing a new series of Rich Dad Financial Education Seminars.


Details indicated the events were planned for certain locations in South Africa – but it was clearly stated that they would be conducted by RK’s team, and that he would NOT be attending.

Something about the comment posted by that South African, and the way he ended it, alerted me to the fact that the insights I’d gained over the past decade, about how to use RK’s ideas to make money using non-physical zero cost “Assets”

So, I decided to post a response to his comment.


By the time I was done, I realized others with similar need for insights would find it useful if I published it on this blog.

What follows below is the verbatim reproduction of my original comment…

If you mean physical assets like rental properties that RK often describes, persons without jobs would certainly struggle as your question implies..,

Such persons – indeed anyone – can however get started and grow his/her wealth using an alternative strategy of creating what I’ve named Digital Cash Flow Generating Assets (DCFGAs)

I’ve been reading RK’s books since 2000, and quit paid employment in Dec. 2001 to start my own business.

It took me years to find a way to successfully adapt his ideas to work for me, in my harsh socioeconomic environment of Nigeria. But my passion forced me think creatively in using his definition of assets as “anything that puts money in my pockets”.

I looked more closely at what he did and realized his real estate formula would not work so well in my society, for someone lacking ready access to tangible funds/risk capital, and reliable connection/networks etc

But I noticed he had quite a lot of passive income coming to him from his prolific authorship of information products. Apart from royalties from book sales, he also earned lots of money via licensing of publishing rights for his books and creation/sales of ebook, video, audio etc versions.

I realized I could focus on doing the same thing too I.e Monetizing my Expertise. The best part was that I built Excel VB software products for niche markets, but had previously focused on marketing them via pavement pounding/door to door selling and cold calling.

I realized I could get better results by building a digital marketing system and delivering my products online to buyers in complete packages.

It’s taken me time to perfect it, and I still continue to tweak, refine and reinvent it. But I can tell you that today I live my dream earning over 80% of my income passively.

If I could have done it, others can do it as well.

Below are links to 2 pages on which I share details of what I do and how I do it, with regard to using the above strategy.

1. The Best Way to Make Money (True Story)

2. Spontaneous Coaching™ Program: Monetize Your Expertise to Make EXTRA Money With LESS Effort by Creating Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™

I refer you to them simply to offer a real world example of what I’ve described here, and NOT in an attempt to recruit you or any other reader(s). I have no need to use such “tricks” because my marketing system drives pre qualified motivated prospects to me even while I sleep.

Hope this helps :-)


PS: Hmm…I think I’ll publish this later today as a blog on my website, so others with similar concerns can read it.

Download 37 Archived Editions of The Farm CEO Newspaper (8thJune2015 -15thFeb2016)

Like I said earlier this year, all my Farm CEO clients (i.e farm business owners who make purchases from me – from a certain lower limit upwards) will get instant lifetime subscription to The Farm CEO Newspaper.

The screenshot below shows ALL 37 issues published in PDF format since I launched it mid 2015, about 8 months ago.


As I continued publishing it, I discovered that new clients who joined my network often added new perspective to ideas I had about editorial content to publish next.

Indeed, at a point, some clients made requests for certain kinds of information, that I had to search for on their behalf, which convinced me to adopt this strategy of giving non-expiring subscriptions to all clients.

Since it came into effect, I’ve gotten more responses to the content published – for obvious reasons.

Since my goal is to use this newspaper to HELP Farm CEOs grow their businesses, it only makes sense to continue with a strategy that’s eliciting useful feed back from them.

Now, if you’re a client and are NOT aware of it, let me inform you that as a member of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas Club, you are entitled to contact me to help you research a subject or topic related to your business.

Just call me to let me know what you have in mind. It’s even possible I’ve already compiled such material for a previous client and will simply need to send them across to you.

For those interested in getting access to the archived PDF versions of The Farm CEO, click here to send me a request.

FREE Talk for Farm CEOs About Best Practice Ways to Avoid Disease Outbreaks & Generate EXTRA Income to Cushion Income Loss!

I continue to write formal FREE talk offers for consideration by farmer groups and organizations.

This is in line with what I’ve identified as the need to inform and educate farm CEOs on how to:

(a) adopt best practice bio-security measures against disease outbreaks and

(b) generate complementary/additional income streams to boost their earnings/cushion the income loss from crises.

I offer to TELL them all I know at no charge.

My interest is solely to OPEN the eyes of farm CEOs to glaring opportunities they have to do MUCH better than they do now. Their core businesses can be complemented by side businesses based mainly on their knowledge and expertise as farm business owners.


Because I believe we need to make farm businesses succeed on a sustainable basis, if we hope to get MORE people to believe agriculture is worth investing in.

What happens when farmers experience inevitable setbacks like the bird flu, African Swine Fever, Cassava Mosaic disease etc?

Even if the farmers are at fault, we cannot leave them to deal with it alone.

If we do, those considering starting farms of their own will be discouraged. I argue that it is better to TEACH those farmers how to operate their businesses in a manner that minimizes chances of crises happening,

Even when crises occur, they must be told how to keep their businesses going by have OTHER things they do that earn them tangible income – to cushion the losses!

I propose that your farmers group or organization invite me to give my talks titled Best Practice Farm Management for Profits and Earn Extra Income from Your Farm at ZERO COST to your members in on mutually agreed dates/times.

As I said I do NOT seek any payment.

My reward will be to see them succeed better, so that MORE people will feel confident investing their time, effort and money into farming.

I am able to safely make this offer because I earn over 80% of my income via passive income generated by sales of my information products and custom Excel-VB software e.g. my Poultry Farm Manager ( and my Ration Formulator (

If what I propose interests the association, I can be reached using the information provided in the PDF speaker sheet at


Spontaneous Coaching™ Program: Monetize Your Expertise to Make EXTRA Money With LESS Effort by Creating Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™

Learn How to Create Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™ to earn you income [Below: Downloadable Flyer Image]…

(1) even on public holidays

(2) even when you have no client projects in hand

(3) even when you’re on annual leave

(4) AND…even when you’re ASLEEP!

Just Like I’ve done for YEARS!


In July 2015, I came down from Cotonou, to deliver the first of several 1 hour talks (which ALL lasted over 2 hours due to attendee interest) on Passive Income Generation to entrepreneurs and career persons in Lagos.

Most bought my 2 hour Autorun Audio DVD  – in which I narrate powerful practical examples of ways to monetize your expertise to generating passive income at low to zero cost, even if all you have is a primary school certificate!

The DVD is now available as a bonus for persons who signup for my “One Year Web Marketing Support Service” in addition to enrolling for THIS Coaching Program.

In this program, I will share experience based information and education about how to review, analyse and compile what you know about your field of proven knowledge and expertise, into marketable digital and/or physical products to EARN PASSIVE INCOME in 3 proven ways I have used for YEARS.

If you follow my guidance diligently, you WILL end up able to generate multiple Streams of Passive (or Residual) Income even when you do NO work, and also while you sleep.

I’ve been doing EXACTLY that since 2006, selling my custom Excel-Visual Basic software (via and multidisciplinary Infromation products (via to buyers within and outside Africa – while traveling as a Location Independent Multipreneur!


Coaching Option1:

Learn to Do-It-Yourself from Me. I tell/show you ALL I know, and
then support you via email, phone/Skype, online chat to get it done by yourself.

Program Duration: 4 Weeks

Fee: N50k

Coaching Option2:

Learn to Do-It-Yourself from Me While I DO IT FOR YOU:

I still tell/ show you ALL I know, but you end up with a product ALREADY on sale in both digital and print formats, in YOUR OWN online store.

Program Duration: 12 Weeks

Fee: N150k

*Call Tayo on +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

[*If you can’t reach me on one line, I may have moved to the other country. Try that number or email tayo at tksola dot com]

*Spontaneous Coaching™ is a trademark of Tayo Solagbade’s Self-Development Academy.

THE FARM CEO (Issue 38): Using innovative ideas to make money in: Crop Farming, 40+ Highly Profitable Agriculture Small Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs, [PODCAST] Making Money With Your Online Presence to Cover Your Annual Website Renewal Payments: Part 1, Get your free copy of my report titled: How YOU CAN Browse CHEAPLY On Your PC or Laptop Without Using A “Modem”!

Last week, in Issue 37 of the Farm CEO I announced that this members-only website version of the newspaper will now be used to publish latest updates based mainly on content shared on the private Facebook group. Next week, I will provide a download list of past PDF issues here.

Register for your FREE username and password and I will send you a free copy of my report titled: How YOU CAN Browse CHEAPLY On Your PC or Laptop Without Using A “Modem”!

Like I mentioned in the last issue of the Farm CEO newspaper (Issue 37), I have decided to give give ALL paid Farm CEO clients, who are also lifetime members of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas club FREE lifetime subscription to The Farm CEO™ newspaper online.

THE FARM CEO (Issue 37): The Farm CEO™ Members-Only Website at Password Protected Access for Subscribers & Clients, Is Bank Of Agriculture Giving Loans To Farmers? – Agriculture – Nigeria, How To Get Agric Loan in Nigeria: Ways Farmers Access Agricultural Loans – Practical Business Ideas – Best Small Scale Business Opportunities And Investment For 2016

If all goes according to plan, this 37th PDF issue of The Farm CEO will be the last of the weekly version. Like I mentioned in the last week’s issue, I’ve been re-thinking the content strategy for this publication to enable me deliver useful information to paid subscribers and clients in a manner that makes it easy for them to find what they want, when they need it, with minimal fuss or hassle.


This is why I’ve come to the decision to convert this publication into a full featured online newspaper, with possible publication of a physical/print quarterly version.

In other words, starting next week, or latest the first Monday of March, The Farm CEO™ newspaper will become an online newspaper at with content accessible only by paid members using login details that will be assigned to them when they sign up.

I must admit that this new arrangement will also make life much easier for me in terms of putting together and publishing information for readers in a timely manner. In case you’re not aware, The Farm CEO™ subscription comes at an annual fee of $65 USD.

In certain cases, I have given out discounted or FREE subscriptions to new Farm CEO clients who purchase products or services from me, up to a certain amount.

However, in the new dispensation we’re entering, I intend to give ALL my existing paid Farm CEO clients, who are also lifetime members of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas club FREE lifetime subscription to The Farm CEO™ newspaper online.

In other words, once you purchase a solution from me, to the tune of N20,500.0 (Twenty Thousand Five Hundred Naira) or more, you will automatically get:

1. FREE lifetime membership of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas Club which comes with 40% discount to buy any other products or services I offer

2. FREE lifetime subscription to The Farm CEO newspaper online.

Why this strategy?

In case the above question crossed your mind, the answer is simple.

I want to deliver value to my target audience of serious minded Farm Business Owners and stakeholders, in a manner that ensures they are able to discover and make productive use of that value, as and when the need to do so impresses itself on them.

My experiences over the past decade have taught me that each person will advance at his/her own personal rate of learning and discovery. As a result, I’ve found that some CEOs waited 3 to 5 years to make a purchase from me, counting from the first time they actually connected with me via my website or through email/phone.

At the same time, there have been other Farm CEOs who came to me knowing exactly what they wanted to do, and what they needed to get it done, Then having seen the range of solutions I had on offer, they simply made contact and (sometimes in a matter of hours) made payment to get it from me!

Through this newspaper’s (soon-to-be) paid members-only online platform at, I want to offer them a place of psychological comfort that they can reach out for access to information and education to solve problems and/or discover new ways to better pursue their valued goals!