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Two of Tayo Solagbade’s Farm Business Ideas Club Members Are Now Licensed to Resell my Products and Keep ALL of the Money They Make [See Formal Notification Letter Inside, & ALSO LEARN WHY YOU NEED TO BUILD A MAILING LIST IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR WEBSITE].

A few weeks ago, I sent emails to members of my Farm Business Ideas club offering a 100% affiliate partnership license allowing to sell 3 of my products and keep ANY money they make.

The offer is now ended. Two Farm CEOs signed up for payment in installments , and have now completed it (see notification letter shown below – names removed for privacy)

From today, I begin supporting them to deliver the 3 products to ANY buyers they find in their respective states. 

But why would I give them a license to sell my products and keep ALL the money they make, even as I provide ALL the support to their buyers, you may wonder?

Well, that’s because I KNOW the value that will accrue to me in the long term from doing that.

That is in addition to the multidimensional income generating benefits I’ve already obtained from interacting with this group of clients.

You see, I KNOW for a fact that they are the reason I have been able to grow my brand, as a Location Independent Multipreneur, to what it is today – and NOT the casual visitor who passes by my site every now and then!

These CEOs on my mailing list – especially those who have PAID me for at least one of the solutions I offer, are the reason I succeed.

I’ve been saying it for years in my writing, and I’ll say it here again:

If you want to succeed in using the Internet to generate sales leads you can convert, you NEED TO BUILD A MAILING LIST.

A smart US based expert once wrote in an article I read over 10 years ago: THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST.

He knew what he was talking about, My experiences and achievements as one who earns income online confirm it!

Don’t put your hope or faith in Google or other search engine driven traffic.

If you do, you’re likely to end up with twisted insides as you try to make quick enough adjustments to your online marketing, to deal with fluctuations in traffic coming to you, as Google change their algorithms every now and then!

You’ll simply find yourself wondering why visits suddenly drop sharply, even though you’re still doing the same thing you’ve always done.

Meanwhile, when that happens, if you have a sales system that depends on the volume of traffic you get from that channel, the likely implication is that the income that accrues to you will also drop.

Sometimes that little change from the search engine end could result in a multiplier effect that affects you in other COSTLY ways you may not immediately anticipate.

This is why it’s always so much safer, smarter and ultimately more profitable, to invest your quality time, effort and money in converting as much of the traffic as may come to you at any point in time, into sales leads or what is called Prequalified Prospects.

People who indicate by reaching out to you (e.g. by subscribing or send a web form message), that they are INTERESTED in what you offer.

Once you have them in your database, and so long as you keep creating response generating web content to make more people WILLINGLY add themselves to your database (some do this by calling me up and ultimately texting me their full details lol!), no amount on search engine traffic fluctuations will be enough to bother you.

I say the above, of course, on the assumption that you know what to do with a mailing list database to make money.

Ever heard of Mailing List Database Mining?

That kind of “mining” is what you CAN do to make money even if your website is down, like mine (TayoSolagbade.com) was for about 40 hours earlier this week. It’s why I never really fret about looking for traffic, like some people do.

I aim instead to increase my Website Conversion Ratio (WCR).

If you do not know about mailing list database mining, then you’re WASTING your money online!

If you do not know why monitoring and working to INCREASE your WCR is more important than fretting over so called “traffic” to your site, especially when you do NOT sell “popular” or conventional products, or worse, you are a custom service provider, then you really need help.

Believe me when I say that I make more money from “mining” my mailing list database than I do from sales coming as a result of search engine driven traffic. I am able to do this by driving up my WCR to bring the right kinds of people in contact with me.

Click here to let me know you’d like to learn more about how to do the above, to make money from your website with peace of mind and confidence!

For now, below is a screenshot of the notification letter I sent to two long term clients, who as members of my Farm Business Ideas club have INVESTED so much in various solutions I offer, that I decided to come up with an income generating system to reward them.

Dear (Farm CEO name removed)

SUBJECT:Congratulations – You are a 100% Affiliate Partner of my Best Practice Farm Biz Support Centre (FBSC)™


This is one of the ways I’m giving back to those who helped me get where I am today. If they had doubted me, I would not have been able to grow like I have done.

I think we need more people like them in Nigeria/Africa i.e. those who will not wait to see you do it all before they decide to put money where their mouths are, to invest in what you tell them is possible!

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