This latest issue of my Weekly Public Speaking Ideas Newsletter, was broadcast to email subscribers on Monday 10th September 2012.
Tag Archives: Writers/Bloggers

When Client Conversations Require Fees
This is the latest issue of my Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter Click here to read.
A Marketing Secret You Need To Know
Browse the new WordPress version of my 6 year old Farm Business Support Service website.
Click here to visit the new site
Note that it’s still being updated, and some links will take you back to the old site.
FEEDBACK: If you have any ideas, suggestions or comments about the new site, send them to me via info at
Thanks in advance
Marketing is like throwing mud at a barn wall. After a while, some of it begins to stick.
I got the above phrase from reading an excellent bestselling book titled “Startup Entrepreneur”, written by James R. Cook.
It was a bible of sorts for me in my first few startup years. I told anyone I met about how great the book was.
One day, someone visited me, and some hours after he’d left, I could no longer find it…LOL!
But I must have read it 10 times or so. As a result, even though I no longer had the print copy, I could literally recite passages from it by heart.
On the morning of Thursday 30th August 2012, I got a call from a lady official of the Ministry of Agriculture, who told me she had read some of my Farm Business Ideas articles on the web.
We met later that same day, to discuss work they are trying to do, to support farm business owners out here.
It was a very useful session, and she gave me great details about a World Bank assisted project they’re implementing to support farm owners with grants and capacity building resources.
I’m preparing a special report that will be made freely available online on this great opportunity for farmers.
Update: Click here to view the report published via a blog post last November.
My main reason for mentioning the above however, is really to point out
how VERY powerful intelligent web marketing can be, for getting yourself noticed, if diligently applied.
Too many business owners out here fail to understand that marketing requires diligent commitment and patience – and that smart use of the Internet can equip you to keep at it, cost-effectively, to get the results you want, in multiple folds :-))
Make sure you choose a vocation that you have a passion for. It is the key to your success in life.

NEW PAGE: Tayo’s Guest Posts
I’m a multipreneur, and SD Nuggets is designed to be a multi-disciplinary blog. So, expect to see links on the new Tayo’s Guest Posts page to my guest posts published on blogs in different niches.
If you run a high profile blog, website or print publication, and would like me to write for you, get in touch via my Writing Service page.
The Customer Will NOT Always Be Right: Don’t Be A Victim Of Entrepreneur Abuse™!
(This article was originally published on a static HTML page on my ( website in March 2006 – from where I’ve now moved it to THIS blog platform)
I do not know what your experiences so far in business have been, but mine and those of a surprising number of others I have read – this year alone – tell me that the market in which we look for clients and prospects is awash with all kinds of characters. I have as a result adopted a philosophy that contradicts what the popular saying “The customer is always right” suggests. My purpose for writing this article is to: a). Help entrepreneurs who read my writing learn how to protect themselves from exploitation while trying to meet clients’ needs (b). Help those who patronise entrepreneurs learn how NOT to behave if they are to avoid being guilty of Entrepreneur Abuse™. Read this article to learn more about Entrepreneur Abuse™, and why you may need to distance yourself from a client/customer who practices it. Continue reading
6 Proven Strategies To Prevent Scope Creep
Author note: My original intention was to get this piece published as a guest post elsewhere. And I did send it out to three different blogs (from 4th August 2012). The first replied that it was not a good fit for his blog audience. The second replied they were no longer accepting “writers”. I was still waiting to hear from the third, when I decided it would be better to host it on my own blog. I hope you find it useful, and look forward to any comments you might have. – Tayo K. Solagbade – 12th August 2012
Has this ever happened to you as a service provider? That dreadful situation in which you find yourself having to continue working on a project – without getting paid – long after you should have been done with it…because you want to “satisfy” your client?
A Buildmobile article I recently read titled 4 Ways To Avoid Scope Creep And Still Please Your Clients, discussed aspects of this thorny issue of scope creep quite well. It also reminded me of a number of similarly themed articles I’ve written in the past, such as: Continue reading
Should You Worry If A client Says You’re Too Expensive?
(This article was originally published on a static HTML page on my website on 7th March 2009 – and at on Dec 14, 2010 )
For more than six years now, I have had the opportunity to work with – and closely study – individuals in various industries, in relation to how they request their service providers or vendors to serve them. Many times I have been shocked by the “predatory” disposition some of them adopted in negotiating with others. It is for this reason that I encourage YOU as a service provider to arm yourself with the ideas offered in this article, to avoid having to accept to work for less than is worth your while.
The Seven Pillars of Success
This week’s issue of my Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter, was sent out to subscribers via email some hours ago.
Title: The Seven Pillars of Success (A Speaking Success Guru’s Recommendation) Click here to read.
Your Passion Will Give You The Patience To Achieve Business Marketing Success
“Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of WAIT.” – Anon
Whether you’re marketing online or off the web, one very important virtue you must develop, if you lack it, is PATIENCE. That is, IF you are to succeed with your business marketing for the long term.
You need to be patient. VERY PATIENT. You have to think like a hunter on the trail of nervous wild deer. Successful business marketing requires the foregoing as a basic minimum. That’s what will equip you to extract useful insights from the different efforts you make to sell your products and services.
Rarely can you reasonably hope to get overnight results. You are more likely to engage in testing and re-testing, till you get something that works just right for you.
That nurturing process can be quite taxing and time consuming. If you lack patience, you are likely to cut corners and not do it right. But that will show in what you send out to the market place – and the results will be just as disappointing.
Making sure you are in a business you absolutely LOVE doing, is what determines whether you will be able to find enough PATIENCE to keep going till you get IT.
"Unless the person running your marketing is patient, it will be difficult to practice commitment. View marketing as an investment, be consistent, and make prospects confident. Patience is a guerrilla virtue." – Jay Conrad Levinson in "The 15 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing" –
If It Was Easy, Everyone Would Be Succeeding At It
In order to succeed, a business must make sales. Not credit sales, but sales that result in money received and in the bank. Marketing creates selling opportunities. However, very often marketing must be repeated or continued for considerable periods before the desired sales happen.
Records show that more businesses fail every year, than those that succeed. The latter are usually those able to make enough sales happen to cover expenses and keep them going. The fact that not every business succeeds in doing that proves that it’s not easy to do.
Which is why you will need to creatively leverage unconventional strategies, tools and technology, to get high impact marketing exposure. A willingness to be patient is a crucial requirement for making that happen. Business marketing requires unrelenting persistence, and is unlikely to yield 100% profitable returns overnight. Accept that reality, and be prepared to do what is needed, or you may not make it.
Measuring Your Business Marketing Success : An Index You Can Use
On a final note, it’s useful to measure your progress. You can, for instance, correlate your marketing expenditure to your client conversion. One useful parameter to periodically measure in this regard is your COCA i.e. Cost of Customer Acquisition. With patience, you get enough information to realistically determine what marketing method(s) wins you customers most cost-effectively. You would then improve on it to boost your conversion rates. Your patience would have paid off.
Where to Submit Your Guest Posts (Big & Popular Vs Small & Lesser Known Blogs)?
Are you a blogger using writing to get marketing exposure (and traffic/back links) to your blog? If yes, then there’s a good chance you know guest blogging is an excellent way to achieve that purpose – and you probably already use it.
But Just In Case You Don’t Know, I’ll Tell You
There’s always the possibility that someone reading this post will be new and looking to learn. If that describes you, here’s a quick definition: guest blogging involves submitting high quality blog posts you’ve written on a topic related to your blogging niche to specific blogs you identify.
The Key Benefits
Apart from helping you steadily gain name recognition and develop authority status, it also generates for you a stream of new, fresh traffic from other blogs, in addition to quality back links.
All of these will over time make your blog show up more often in search engine results pages.
Now, who doesn’t want that?
Where to Submit Guest Posts: Big/Popular Vs Small/Lesser Known Blogs
Conventional wisdom suggests best results can be had by getting your guest post published on a big and popular blog. If you can pull this off – and your post resonates with the readers – it rarely fails to yield multiple benefits for both the host blog and the guest blogger.
However, I suggest you consider adopting the approach I’m about to describe, especially if you are just starting out, and your blog is yet to chalk up any noteworthy rankings.
There’s no harm in aiming high or thinking big, but when you’re starting out it can help greatly, if you keep an open mind about choosing legitimate outlets to promote your blog.
The way I see it, pretty much everyone will be aiming to get published on the most popular blogs. Let’s face it, we all want to play in the big leagues and rub shoulders with the top guys. But with so many people trying to get in the same door, this can take time.
The truth however is that many not so big or popular blogs get decent amounts of traffic/ranking, and CAN give you good quality exposure, traffic and back links. This is truer even now because of Google’s improved ability to ensure good quality content websites show up more often in searches.
But what is probably an even more compelling reason to focus MORE of your attention, on getting published on not-so-big blogs, is that they have FEWER submissions to sift through in order to decide what guest post to publish next. Many of these big guys are overloaded with submissions. There is a long queue, and you may have to WAIT a while before your guest post goes “live”.
Of course, if the guest post you submit is really great, there’s a good chance the blog owner could send it right to the top of the pile for immediate publication. But that may not happen often – or with every blog. So, spreading your stuff around to other decent ranking, but not so well known blogs can help you make progress.
How Getting Published More Often On Smaller Blogs Can Add Up…To “Big Blogs” Exposure
Now think about it this way. If you submit your new guest post to a smaller blog that’s not over loaded with submissions, it’s likely to go live on the Internet faster than it would on a “busier” blog. Every time this happens, you instantly get at least one new back link to your site (via your byline).
But if you’ve done a good job of the post, it won’t end there. For instance, since everyone knows Google penalizes duplicate content, if the post is good, it’ll ONLY get shared, and linked to by more people – thereby generating buzz.
That buzz would attract the attention of Google bots, so your guest post will show up in more search results for its keywords. In addition, the social media spotlight would get other people (some belonging in the bigger and more popular blog networks) to “discover” and also link to it.
Sooner than later the traffic and other benefits you seek will be yours.
The Best Approach Is Always a Combination of Methods
Of course I’m not saying there’s harm in shooting to get published on large blogs. But NEVER make the mistake of focussing exclusively on big ones, and snubbing the smaller ones. This is because having your guest posts showing up on many different blogs – even if they are small – can eventually ADD up. And it could even leave you better off in the long run.
Having said that, you’ll find from watching a video demonstration
I’ve just created for my MS Excel Guest Posts Submissions Manager & Performance Monitor, that I used it to choose websites to submit to, based on Alexa traffic and Google page ranks.
That was mainly for ease of explanation.
In reality, my preferred strategy is to periodically “identify” and submit guest posts to some big name blogs. However, I will actively look out for/evaluate and submit to lesser known blogs that I identify to fit into my target niche.
If you want to get your guest posts published faster, and not have to wait endlessly to reap the rewards for the efforts you put into writing them, you might want to do the same thing.
Any thoughts on this post?
What do you think about the perspective to guest posts submission discussed above? Has anyone got experience on the benefits (or otherwise) of going this route?
Share your thoughts or opinions by posting your comments!