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“I’m assuming you’re a(n uncompromising) person like me. So if you’re not, please JUMP OFF THE SHIP because I’m not interested in massaging any egos. So when they meet your child who has been brought up to be like you, then what will happen is that they will be threatened. So what are you going to give your child to ensure that s/he can protect him/herself from them (i.e. others who pressure him/her to do wrong)?” – Tayo K. Solagbade
Above: Verbatim Text Transcript Excerpt from the Audio Podcast
This week I share experience based insights and also suggest practical strategies you can adopt to EMPOWER your child to successfully resist ANY forms of abuse that others may try to inflict on him/her regardless of whether s/he has access to you or not.
Considering how widespread this problem has become over the years, in school, religious organizations and the workplace, it is self-evident that we need to prepare our kids to protect themselves, because we will not always be with them when they face those inevitable challenges.
Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement IDEAS
(PI Squared) NewsletterMonday 14th October 2019
NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016. I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.************
PII 178: Are You Confident That Your Child Can Stand Up to Peer Pressure? (Lessons from BBC’s #SexForGrades Video Documentary About University Lecturers)
This week I share experience based insights and also suggest practical strategies you can adopt to EMPOWER your child to successfully resist ANY forms of abuse that others may try to inflict on him/her regardless of whether s/he has access to you or not.
Considering how widespread this problem has become over the years, in school, religious organizations and the workplace, it is self-evident that we need to prepare our kids to protect themselves, because we will not always be with them when they face those inevitable challenges.
Verbatim Text Transcript Preview Excerpt
“I’m assuming you’re a(n uncompromising) person like me. So if you’re not, please JUMP OFF THE SHIP because I’m not interested in massaging any egos. So when they meet your child who has been brought up to be like you, then what will happen is that they will be threatened. So what are you going to give your child to ensure that s/he can protect him/herself from them (i.e. others who pressure him/her to do wrong)?” – Tayo K. Solagbade
Click here to download and listen to the full (3o minute) audio podcast – and share freely with others you feel may benefit.
The audio file exists – see screenshot below – in AMR format (3 MB) and 3gpp format (22 MB). Both formats can be played back on mobile devices as well as on PCs with VLC Player installed. It goes without saying therefore that you should download the much smaller sized AMR file to save data and reduce download time.
This issue of my Performance Improvement Ideas newsletter is an audio podcast offered as a Public Service. The topic is self-explanatory, and except you’ve been living under a rock, most likely to be one you are VERY familiar because of the trending #SexForGrades hashtag.
Below: Verbatim text excerpts from the mind-map-like Rapid Speech Preparation Template I used to deliver this topic as a 20 minute talk to an audience over a decade ago. Click here to invite me,
If you always feel a need to be around to stop your child from being influenced to do wrong things, then it is possible YOU NEED TO DO MORE WORK TO COACH your child to function as an independent-minded person.
The reality is:
1. You will NOT always be there to stop him/her from being exposed to negative influences.
2. You cannot hide him/her away at home for ever.
3. Signs That Suggest You Have Not Taught Your Child How To Say NO…
*bad company
*lying, stealing to impress peers
*giving in to abuse of any kind – sexual, emotional, physical etc
Two stories of how being ineffective in handling my relationships made me engage in unbecoming conduct – and eventually got me into trouble.
Story 1: I describe bad activities I engaged in, without getting caught in my first year (as a 10 year old) in secondary school.
Story 2: I describe an instance in which I (along with others from the first story) did get caught, with serious consequences.
You must realize that if your child lacks proficiency in managing his relationships and does not know know who he is/wants to be, it can lead him into trouble
The Role YOU Need To Play As A Parent To Help Your Child
1. What It Takes To Say NO – And Think Independently?
2. Let them make their own mistakes – BUT…be on hand to help them LEARN from each one.
3. Here Are Ten(10) Practical Steps You Can Take
4. How Will You Know When Your Child Has Found Her Purpose?
Encourage a strong knowledge and sense of self. As a nine year old, Bill Gates reportedly knew himself well enough to pronounce to a family friend that “I can do anything I set my mind to”.
Mistake making is itself an essential requirement for a person’s balanced development.
A society only truly succeeds when its new members(children) learn what it takes to survive and flourish in it like the adults that arrive ahead of them.
With proper coaching by adults who have the right mix of knowledge, skills and experience, children can be prepared well ahead for most of the decisions they have to take and/or challenges they will encounter in life.
The result would be a dramatic increase in their capability for achieving success in life.
*Analogy: A lion cub that grows up in a pride of Lions roaming the African Savannah, is unlikely to go hungry from the lack of hunting prowess the way its orphaned cousin raised by humans could.
DOWNLOAD the infographic below:
1. PII 158: How My Farm Business Support Center Can Help Farm Owners Achieve Superior Results at Low to Zero Cost [3 Common Challenges It Will Address]
2. PII 155: Make Money Building & Selling Custom Excel-VB Software to Profitable Niche markets [Join my MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation club to Start Learning HOW]
Connect with me using any of the following:
Phone: +234-8033021263 (in Nigeria) OR +229-66122136 (in Benin Rep)Email: tayo at tksola dot comFacebook:www.tayosolagbade.com/fbkTwitter:@tksolaLinkedIn:www.linkedin.com/in/tayosolagbadeINVITE ME TO DELIVER THE FULL 10 COMMANDMENT SERIES AS A LIVE TALK TO YOUR GROUP/TEAM MEMBERS
This talk is based on an educational weekly email series I created exclusively for members of my Web Marketing for CEOs club.It provides experience based ideas, tips and insights for use by any persons engaged in business, who wish to achieve low to zero cost business marketing reach and impact by leveraging the the power of PC and Internet Technology.It is NOW available in a specially bundled MP3 Audio and PDF Book package that can be downloaded online or accessed offline on a DVD delivered to you.Attendees of THIS LIVE talk however get instant membership of my Web Marketing for CEOs club (N50k value – includes FREE weekly coaching via Private Facebook and WhatsApp groups) + FREE download link to the ebook/audios.Standard FEE for Talk – N100kGet 1 Year Web Marketing Saupport: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club
Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator
1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc
2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
SDN Blog™
New posts from last week*