COMING SOON: Best Practice Farm Business Support Centre for Farm CEOs – Benin Republic. This centre will be based on a piece of land to be purchased in Benin Republic (tentatively in the Seme border town area).
It will…
1. Provide real world relevant findings from pilot scale performance improvement trials in least cost Feed Formulation using locally available, low cost alternative feed ingredients.
NB: A key aspect will be the use, and continual improvement of the popular Excel-VB Ration Formulator app – especially to cater for in-depth amino acid balancing in formulating cost-effective balanced rations.
2. Offer coaching for Farm CEOs on Best Practice Farm Business Operations Management & Marketing in Livestock and Crop Production
3. Operate rabbitry, poultry, and fish production enterprises on a micro to small scale to showcase the potentially useful findings recorded by the centre.
NB: The existing Poultry Farm Manager app will be used and continually improved, while similar apps will be built for rabbit and fish production – which over time will be offered to interested Farm CEOS
4. Run a farm-based restaurant and bar designed to showcase how farms can earn extra income by processing their farm produce into products for sale in farm shops.
5. Publish The Farm CEO™ newspaper to disseminate latest news about findings, innovations and potentially cost-saving ideas from work done at the centre, and those reviewed elsewhere.
6. Offer limited accommodation facilities to members who wish to sleep over for learning events or leisure.
7. Provide on-demand Internet access, as well as transportation, for interested members – including pick up from, or drop off at the airport or the border.
8. Take on custom software or information product development projects from members, if enough of them show interest, and make the finished product available to them at low to zero cost.
9. Enable ALL members purchase the centre’s Farm Business Support Software (e.g. Excel-VB Ration Formulator, Poultry Farm Manager, Rabbitry Business Manager, Fish Farm Manager) and Information Products (e.g. Feed Formulation Handbook, Best Practice Farm Management 4 part E-books series, business plans etc)
10. Deliver on-demand practical coaching for Farm CEOs (including on-site technical support) on the development and implementation of a Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS) for Farm Business Performance Improvement.
[Updated 1st Oct. 2015, 1.33p.m, from Lagos-Nigeria] Below: Layout Plan for the centre (still work-in-progress) – Now LIVE – read more here

I will be CROWDFUNDING this project, because it’s designed to be a Not-For-Profit initiative to make the products and services I offer more pocket-friendly and accessible by majority of my target audience.
That’s why YOU are getting notified about it – in case you (or your group/organization/association or club) would like to contribute/invest in it.
As a member of my Farm Business Ideas Club (which comprises persons who have purchased N20k or more worth of products from me) – you fit the target audience profile.
Because those interested enough in a provider’s products and services to PAY (or want to pay) money to access them, are the ones most likely to favour investing in its evolution or growth.
Here’s an apt quote that underscores the above point:
“The supporters of your crowd funding campaign are your customers. Crowd funding is basically a way to pre-order products before they are produced” – Elite Daily (See
Hundreds of past enquirers and buyers requests tell me this support centre is LONG OVERDUE…
I have received all sorts of requests from people within and outside Africa. since January 2006, when I launched my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas Website – now at or
Most of them were Farm CEOs – while others were students of agriculture, farm support experts(e.g extension professionals), lecturers, feed makers, NGO operators etc.
In several cases they wanted me to give them the product at hefty discounts or even FREE, but I was unable to oblige them much as I wanted to.
For instance, last year (2014), one Farm CEO from Mexico contacted me about building a custom Ration Formulator app for lactating cows in his Dairy Farm. When I eventually sent him the quote for developing the app, he NEVER got back to me, despite the animated phone conversation we’d had before he asked me to send it.
I knew the fee I’d given him was the likely deal breaker, yet it was the best offer I could make him.
With crowd funding of this Best Practice Support Centre for Farm CEOs, I’ll be able to give MORE of such people what they want, and also CREATE quality time to develop new solutions they tell me they want.
The implication is that I’ll be able to HELP a lot more people that need it, than I’m currently able to – including YOU.
If this opportunity interests you, click here to send me a message requesting for details of how to get involved, and specific ways you’d like to benefit (e.g what you want me to do for you).