This is a True Story Narration. It is available as audio (MP3) & as a video presentation, and PDF on CD/DVD. You can listen to the audio on your phones. This is Part 2 in the Self-Development Education for Parents Series titled “Kukuru Danger™: Adventures – & Misadventures – of a School Age Child Trying to Make Sense of the World and his purpose in it!”
===Narration Begins===
This is TayoSolagbade again. This time around I’m going to tell you another story.
But this story, rather than take you forward in my life following my experience of getting asked to repeat my first year in secondary school.
I’m actually taking you back to a time, I think about a year before I left primary school, ehm, in which I had a particularly (pause) ehm, how do I put it now…even talking about it now still irritates me.
