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NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to www.spontaneousdevelopment.com/sdnuggets to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule 

No. 129: Speak (& Act) From Your Heart, or You’ll Sabotage Yourself
Some people speak (and act) in ways that impede their own progress, but often do not know it. So they blame others, or their circumstances. I explain below, how failing to speak (and act) from your heart, amounts to shooting yourself in the foot…which is why you need to STOP IT!
The Need to Be Your Original Self…
The header for this newsletter reads “Proud African” (scroll up to see it).
That’s what I am.
My primary purpose is to use this newsletter to influence Africa based experts (including my favourites: Farm Business CEOs) – to adopt public speaking to promote their businesses, AND also generate additional income via paid speaking gigs.
To achieve the above goals, I periodically recommend they make Burt Dubin their mentor.
Having said that, since 2006, when I launched my first online newsletter (The Self-Development Digest), experts and professionals from many other parts of the world have joined my mailing list – and some have purchased from me.
The truth is I’ve always added content to this website, with a passionate desire to have my ideas/solutions, transcend geographical boundaries worldwide.
As an Expert in Your Field, You Can Do the Same Thing
And why not? Others are doing it everyday.
Back in 2002, I was a volunteer tutor in a community based NGO that provided weekend Maths and English lessons to final year secondary school students.
One day I passionately expressed the opinion, to a fellow tutor, that the web lacked an authentic African “flavour”.
Most of the content online about Africa/African was NOT being authored by Africans. And I was not referring to news.
Instead I meant “original creative content”. New ideas, concepts, philosophies in the many different areas of endeavour we were engaged.
I told him I felt Africans needed to do more CRITICAL THINKING and contribute solutions that could move the world forward.
Of course there were pockets of that happening here and there. But they were too few and far between online.
He looked at me and said “Well, if you feel that strongly about it, why don’t you start something yourself?”
I realised he’d made an excellent point. And I resolved to do just that.
So I began learning. And then I diligently applied what I learnt to generating content for my work both on and off the web.
In doing ALL of this, I’ve ALWAYS let my heart guide me…
And I honestly believe that has helped me succeed.
Expressing my thoughts about issues – in my personal and work life – back when I was in paid employment, and since becoming an entrepreneur, is a passion of mine.
It sometimes earns me both criticism – and some “haters”.
But I prefer that, to the awful feeling that comes from being untrue to myself…from NOT speaking up, or taking action I know I should take…or from”giving in”!
“I had no idea that history was being made. I was just tired of giving in.” – Rosa Parks
[Here’s something noteworthy: My best teachers have been Americans. To give you an idea of what I mean, I wrote an article about a year ago titled “Paying Tribute To 5 Experts Who Made Me“: At least 4 of them are American!]
Over a decade later, www.spontaneousdevelopment.com (this website) offers useful information, education, and solutions, on my key areas of focus and interest. And I get visits/enquiries from all over the world.
As an Authentic Expert, You Have Knowledge and Unique Insights Others Can Benefit From: Are You Speaking (and Acting) From Your Heart?
It’s an important question. Think about it carefully.
If yes, you’ll be doing the world a great service, because your useful ideas will be shared with those who need it.
Note that your “speaking” can happen via your website, blog, newsletter/articles/white papers, audios, videos etc. In other words, even when you do NOT speak at a LIVE event, you can still “speak” via those other media …to a potentially unlimited audience!
Sadly, too many experts I meet out here, who can be powerfully influential in helping others this way, shy away from doing it.
They doubt that they have anything worthwhile to say.
What they fail to understand is that as authentic experts in their chosen fields, the daily experiences they have already equip them to add value to audiences they address.
You only need to have INTEREST, PASSION, and access to EXPERT GUIDANCE (like the “Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets” provided by Burt Dubin), to achieve that outcome.
Many times you can even get started on some basic level, and later on choose to connect with a mentor to help you effectively “package” a flagship offering you can “sell” to audiences.
Sometimes you may not even wish to get paid.
Instead, you may just wish to give back, by sharing what you know with those who need it.
Whatever the case, the reality is that you MUST challenge yourself to speak/act – from your heart – regardless of your fears, doubts, concerns etc.
And you must choose to speak on something you have conviction about. It can even be a subject totally unrelated to what you’re known for.
The key here is YOUR conviction!
Let me illustrate this point, by sharing the interview video of a famous boxer, who delivered a very entertaining, yet seriously ENLIGHTENING “talk” about a subject unrelated to his professional occupation.
His name?
The legendary Mohammed Ali!
This has been labelled “Lost Footage” from an interview done in England (I think) when he much younger. Using great humour, he speaks about how he learnt to deal with racism, from some people, even AFTER winning Olympic Gold for his country!.
Think about it for a moment…
Ali could have chosen to focus on explaining how he got so good at boxing to become champion etc.
And no one would have complained.
But he skilfully used the opportunity of the interviewer’s question, to “inform” and “educate’ his audience about the silly misconceptions promoted by a narrow minded few.
Ali Was an “EXPERT AUTHORITY” In the Eyes of the Studio Audience…Like You Already Are…
In his case, he did not sabotage himself.
Instead, he wisely used the “credibility” he KNEW he had, to drive home crucial points he felt strongly about – to the multi-racial audience he KNEW could/would end up watching that interview).
As one commenter on Facebook said: “He basically gave us a history lesson!”
And he did it VERY impact-FULLY, but without offending.
Ali must have earned for himself that day, GREAT respect from everyone that was there, I’m sure.
That respect would later have carried over into the boxing arena.
Even people who did not have any interest in boxing, would have felt drawn to him, and the sport, because of what he said!
So, speaking his mind boosted his name recognition, and credibility!
Click the image below to watch the video (NB: It’s on Facebook).

Among other things, you’ll learn from that NO MATTER what people think of you, or do to you, it’s wiser to let love, tolerance, and self-control guide ALL you do and say.
Here’s one excerpt from Ali’s speech that drives home the above:
“…I have no racial problems. I don’t go where I’m not wanted. I’m proud…” – Mohammed Ali
Final Words
As you enter this new week, I urge you to go out DAILY, and be YOUR PROUD SELF, no matter who you are, what you do, where you come from, or what you look like.
Make sure you speak (and act) from your heart, at all times – because when you don’t, you’ll effectively be sabotaging yourself.
Now why would you want to do something like THAT???! :-))
Have a great week :-))

Tayo K. Solagbade*
Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist
*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa
Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)
Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist – Tayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.
He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.
He earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).
In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.
When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).
For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit www.tksola.com to learn more.
Connect with him on Twitter @tksola.com and Facebook.