[I first published this article online 8 years ago, initially on my website (spontaneousdevelopment.com at the time) and later via Ezinearticles.com (On June 11, 2008) – from where it has since been widely syndicated on other websites.
The ideas I advocate for adoption in this piece are today even more relevant and compelling than ever before. If you’re a smart parent, you WILL read this article with an open mind and take intelligent action to make use of what you learn.
I practice what I preach: My kids have been getting massive doses of this stuff from me, since I wrote it all. Believe me when I say it WORKS!]
Many people today, who have undergone formal schooling, do not have life survival skills, having only acquired learning for school (i.e. academic education), which they do not KNOW how to apply usefully in the real world.
We already know from years of recent history that it is no longer necessarily those who do well in school that go on to achieve success in life. It used to be so, when paid employment was the primary destination for people who finished school/learning.
In today’s technology enhanced world, anyone with the ability to quickly acquire new skills and create/add tangible VALUE can become successful in virtually any area of endeavor s/he ventures. The skills required for survival and success have LONG changed. All around us today for instance, we see school dropouts employing university graduates.
Read the full article on my Ezinarticles.com profile at http://EzineArticles.com/1240561 [Click now]