Thanks for your requests.
First of all, find attached a cleaned up version of the 25 Articles PDF Ebook you bought.
I hope it makes for a more friendly reading experience.
When I can find the time, I will upload it to replace the one still in the online store.
Now, to the other requests you made…
Your Question 1 – You asked that I forward to you:
“A copy of the Poultry Laying Business Plan with calculations which you once wrote for a customer (I intend to start up with 2500 layers) and could possibly use your plan to guide me.”
Attached is a zipped folder named “Riaan-Question1.zip” containing the generic business plan preview documents I will be offering for FREE download on my website in a few days – once I finish setting up the sales/squeeze page:
Take a look through. I have taken out certain sections and left others in – but mostly blank tables and labels.
[Note to reader: If you’d like to view the above mentioned zipped folder’s contents, click here to send me a request.]
Note that the performance indicators featured in the tables are discussed in the articles I’ve linked to in response to your second question below.
You see, it so happens that the business plan I dispatched to the client is what I have already repackaged as a template to be sold to interested Farm CEOs (and those aspiring).
Due to the in-depth nature of this particular client’s project, I came to the decision that I can use a smart MS Excel projections workbook, in conjunction with a market survey questionnaire I developed, to help clients prepare comprehensive business plans.
All they need to do is purchase the template bundle (the full 24 page generic business plan with a one page micro version. Once that happens, I then send the buyer a questionnaire with which to collect data I will need for updating the dynamic projection tables in MS Excel.
The questionnaire will also get responses relevant to the client’s industry and market description etc, which are needed to complete other sections of the plan.
Using that info, I will customize the full plan, and produce a micro version, which will both be dispatched to the client in editable MS Word format. I will also send the MS Excel workbook containing all the projection tables with the data and formulas intact.
The client will be able to make changes as s/he may wish.
On the offer/sales page I will state the above benefits and process.
You are getting to know about it ahead of time because of your enquiry.
If you’d like to take up this offer, it’s for a FEE of N50, 000 (Fifty Thousand Naira) – payment required 100% up front.
You may use www.xe.com or www.coinmill.com to do a conversion to your currency.
Your Question 2 – You asked that I forward to you:
A List of parameters (apart from the 3 parameters you already alluded to in your article) which I can use in my spreadsheet to optimally manage my laying business.
Below is the download link to a zipped folder named “Riaan-Question2.zip” – containing 2 workbooks:
Riaan-Question2.zip- Click to download now
A. 5PowerfulTools.xls
This contains a sample template that explains how to compute certain Farm Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) discussed in an article I submitted to a 3rd party website in 2012.
Here’s the link to the article titled “5 Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health”
The article uses the contents of the workbook to explain the calculation of each KPI – offering a download link at the end for the reader to view the workbook.
B. Figures1to4.xls
This workbook contains screen shots (4 of them) from different interfaces of my Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager software.
Click the link below to watch 16 video tutorials that show the app at work – including an automated chart generation interface for trending Hen Day Percentage (HDP) for layers
Incidentally, that software was built to automate the routine DAILY, WEEKLY and MONTHLY computation of the parameters described in my Practical Farm Business Performance Calculations article that you read.
This Figures1to4.xls workbook is actually linked to, from a more recent article titled “5 Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records” – that I got approved as a guest post in 2012 on Africabusinesscommunities.com. Click below to read it.
The article highlights calculation methods for 5 important farm production records I recommend every poultry farmer diligently capture.
Doing so will enable him/her take timely farm planning decisions that will result in the best possible performance.
Additional Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas Articles:
Click the link below to open a page that – when you scroll to the bottom – offers a list of click able links to 10 articles (some you’ve read, others you’ve not).
Hope this helps.
In your service.
PS: Due to my domain name change from spontaneousdevelopment.com to tayosolagbade.com – the links in those articles no longer work.
I’ve informed the webmaster for Africabusinesscommunities.com about the need to change the URLs, but have gotten no response.
But I plan to use both articles in special e-book collection I’m working on. So, it’s kind of a blessing in disguise :-))
Now, in case you’ve not read it, click the link below to learn what happened to my previous domain:
And just like I said in the article below, I’ve re purposed my content to boost my website conversation rates WAY above what they used to be with the old domain: