Just like I’ve said in recent articles, the loss of my 9 year old spontaneousdevelopment.com on 4th May 2014, has not limited my online sales lead generation via my tayosolagbade.com, which replaced it. The number of enquiries has risen to the extent that my Website Conversion Ratio has actually INCREASED. This means that I’m actually getting MORE people contacting me about what I offer per traffic volume, than I used to.
NB: If you don’t know what a Website Conversion Ratio(WCR), or how to calculate it, click here to read an article I wrote in 2005, that explains (Note that my byline at the bottom of the article is yet to be updated to tayosolagbade.com. So you’ll find it still links to spontaneousdevlopment.com – which got taken over by Aplus.net in May 2014. Click here to learn why/how it happened.
But how come I’m getting a higher rate of Website Conversion after losing my domain?
Here’s my experience based understanding. And I’ve taken time to study this via trends, to be sure.
You see, the 9 year old domain had been around quite a while. So a lot of my syndicated articles all over the web, on 3rd party websites have by-lines at the end linking back to it.
That was responsible (in part) for thousands of visits I got daily. The other factor was the RSS feeds driven traffic I was getting.
But with the loss of that domain, tayosolagbade.com which is just a year and some months old does not have many such back links to feed off of. As such, my major source of traffic has tended to be RSS feeds, articles marketing and social media.
Now, what I have not openly made known is that I took the opportunity of the domain name loss to refocus my online efforts.
And this time around, I’ve used my years of experience to pitch my offers more directly to Farm CEOs. But I still offer to work with those in other industries as well (like the private university and a startup consultancy I’m about finishing web development projects for here in Cotonou).
So when you visit www.tayosolagbade.com (and this blog as well), you will notice the clear statements I make about my primary target audience.
Then I went to my Youtube video channel, and updated all the descriptive content to reflect the new development. Plus, I’ve begun putting up educational videos (on sales and marketing) for farm business owners, alongside the software product demos already present.
In addition, I’ve focussed a lot of writing more blog posts with deliberate slant towards farm businesses.
Whatever blog category I write on, I deliberately try to use examples related directly or indirectly to farm businesses, as often as possible.
This way, MORE of such people who encounter my work online are getting drawn in, more often than was the case with the old domain name.
And that is why I keep getting enquires via email, phone and social media – in addition to those that come via the website.
Over the past 10 days for instance, I have taken a call from a farm CEO from Uyo, and responded to an email from one in Uganda. Both are poultry farmers, and both were interested in my Poultry Farm Manager app.
Below: Screenshot of website contact form enquiry from a Farm CEO based in Uganda – received on the 15th of this month (July 2014)…3 days ago

This afternoon, an enquiry came in via my website contact from a Farm CEO based in Rivers State in Nigeria.
The individual had initially filled/submitted the 2 field form to access the free downloads on my website. Then he’d gotten the auto response which contained a link to a detailed web form, to request for a demo of my Ration Formulator.
However, he wanted the Poultry Farm Manager. So, he filled the form and sent it to me, asking for a demo of that app to be sent to him.
Within seconds of getting it, I decided to call him up – because of an entry in his submission which made me quite curious.
See the screenshot below – note the circled entry field.
Below: Screenshot of website contact form enquiry from a Farm CEO based in Rivers State, Nigeria – received this afternoon (19th July 2014)

I was surprised that he wrote that he’d found out about me/my website from www.africanbusinesscommunities.com. This was because I knew all my guest posts/articles accepted for publication on that website still had my by-lines at the bottom linking to my old domain. So it was not possible for him/her to have used that to get to my new domain name.
I knew it was likely he’d “Googled” to find me. But I expected that he should have said that, if he’d done so, rather than mention the 3rd party website.
So, I wanted to ask him and hear him respond, just to be sure.
You see, I’ve been getting software developers sending enquiries to get access to “demos” from me, using all sorts of aliases. And they’ve been coming from within and outside Africa (especially India).
Their motives I cannot be sure of. However, I do not like to have my time wasted.
That’s why I make a point of calling to speak with each person just to be sure s/he is a serious farm business owner looking for a solution. I want to help farm CEOs – not make myself open to being used and dumped (which has happened before).
First time I called, he did not pick up.
So I sent him an email stating that I needed to speak with him, and asking that he let me know when I could call.
Below: Screenshot of my email reply to the website contact form enquiry from a Farm CEO based in Rivers State, Nigeria

Within a few minutes, he replied. I then called again and spoke with him.
Our conversation was brief. I explained that I offer a demo only of my Ration Formulator, which has been on sale since 2004. He then asked me to send details of the mini version I told him could be had at a lower fee.
I also got answers to my questions. He told me he’d first discovered me at africanbusinesscommunities.com and then decided to Google for details about me. If you do that, tayosolagbade.com comes up in the first page of results. So, that was how he found me.
The above account confirms what I’ve always said that when people want something badly enough, they will go out of their way to get it.
That conversation however inspired me to write this article…and to launch a special offer that will remain open to ANYONE willing to take it up(see at the bottom of this post).
My reason for doing this is that, from speaking with this latest Farm CEO from Rivers State, I could feel he was serious about making a buy.
He noted that my video demo on Youtube was impressive, but that it was not enough to make a decision.
My experiences however indicate lack of a demo WILL NOT stop people who are READY, from buying…
And I have over 7 years of proof to back up that claim.
For instance, I only began to offer demos of my Ration Formulator in May 2014 (2 months ago).
Yet, I’ve been selling it since 2004 (offline), then in 2006 I put up my You tube video demo and began selling it online!
Click here to watch additional demonstration videos of my Ration Formulator, and also get details of my popular Feed Formulation Handbook.
And I have since had buyers from all across Nigeria (no exaggeration) who today are friends on Facebook, and speak with me on phone like we’re old friends. Some have been subscribers to my mailing list for over 5 years.
That’s not all. I have also had buyers from outside Nigeria – like Tanzania, and as far as Canada…who also NEVER asked for a demo!
All of these people took the decision to buy from me without getting (or even asking for) a demo of the app.
Indeed, many have NEVER met with me in the flesh till this very moment.
One such buyer who simply did a bank transfer online to my account, is a Nigerian based in Saudi Arabia, who owns a Feed Mill and Farm in a Northern State in Nigeria.
He was in Nigeria for a few days, came across my Ration Formulator’s Youtube video, and simply wrote me an email asking for payment details.
I sent him the details, and less than an hour later, I got an email alert announcing the transfer from him!
So many have happened like that.
And after the payment, they ALL got the product (via email), and we discussed further via phone, email etc.
Incidentally, in recent times, I’ve even had some buyers send additional payment, to cover the extra expense of having me send the products physically to them via courier (Fedex and DHL, so far) on CD/DVD.
After getting the products, some of them have requested that I help them find reliable hands to hire to manager their farms, or locate suppliers of bags for feed, or laboratories where feed ingredient analyses can be done etc.
I share the above details to indicate to the reader that I aim to build LASTING RELATIONSHIPS with my buyers.
So, when this prospective buyer said the video demo for my Poultry Farm Manager was not enough to take a decision, I knew he belonged to a minority.
However, because I’d gotten an impression that he was sincere, I decided to come up with an offer to help MORE people like him take the leap of faith to buy.
And that new offer is what I now end this article with.
If you, or anyone you know, are thinking of getting my Poultry Farm Manager app, this offer is one you want to take up – while it lasts.
Starting today, I offer a FREE (customized) copy of the mini version of the Poultry Farm Manager app, to any Farm CEO who makes payment for 1, 2 and 3 listed below:
1. My Feed Formulation Handbook (N8k)
2. My ExcelVB driven Ration Formulator Software (N12.5k) View 2013 upgrade version here
3. One year of web hosting/domain registration (N7.5k) – view my webhosting service website here.
NB: Using item 3, I will build – at zero cost – a 5 page powerful Joomla based website for the CEO’s farm. This website will be specially designed to be updateable by even a web novice. And I’ll send the CEO a PDF userguide on how to manage/update the site as well.
Adding 1 to 3 gives N28k (Twenty Eight Thousand Naira)
That means, all an interested Farm CEO has to do is pay N28k, to me, and s/he’ll get the mini version of my Poultry Farm Manager (N25k value) as a 100% FREE bonus, in addition to 1, 2 and 3 outlined above.
And I will provide zero cost support in addition to supplying a detailed PDF user guide.
Note however, that this offer is only open to real life farm owners…NOT to persons “planning” to start, but persons ALREADY running their own farm businesses.
Interested? Click here to get in touch with me…