The original version of this article was first published in January 2007 on Spontaneousdevelopment dot com (defunct & replaced by in 2014) and
For some time now, I have had the opportunity to discuss extensively with many entrepreneurs and business owners (some being clients for whom I had to build websites) about what kind of online presence they need to have for their businesses.
In many cases I have found these individuals to be MORE preoccupied with the aesthetics of the site, than they are with the “selling” ability of the site. And yet, there is hardly any business owner who does not know that increasing marketing reach and effectiveness – which a website can greatly facilitate – is crucial for continued growth and profitability.
This article outlines essential features of a website that works (and potential key benefits to be reaped) , which any business owner should aim to get if s/he hopes to maximise returns from investing in a website.

Watch as I browse through a 2007 archived version of my first ever website – spontaneousdevelopment dot com (2005 – 2014), which I lost (due to poaching of the domain name) in May 2014 and had to hurriedly replace with tayosolagbade dot com.

In this video, I explain how I used manual html (hand) coding to build and maintain that website. Then I compare it to my current website – tayosolagbade dot com – built and maintained using WordPress (a Content Management System).
The differences between the appearances and backend functionalities required to run both websites are clear proof that one needs to be willing to pay one’s dues, if authentic success is to be achieved.


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NB: This writeup was first published on Monday 24th September 2012 as Episode No. 56 of my Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter on (defunct in 2013/replaced by
Not every prospect or client that comes along with an offer will be a good fit for you – EVEN IF s/he is rich! Knowing when to walk away is therefore a valuable skill.
If you accept work from everyone who makes an offer, there’s a good chance you’ll hurt your business eventually.

…a multi-disciplinary blog for people passionate about reaching their goals!