A year before I left Guinness Nigeria (to pursue my longstanding dream of self-employment), I was nominated, along with a senior colleague, to attend a 6 week International Brewing Course – organized by the UK based Institute Of Brewing (IOB).
The course was attended by over 20 delegates from Argentina, Holland, Hungary, Japan, Croatia, USA, Nigeria etc.
Click https://youtu.be/Nn8sJmrGKIQ to watch.

Some of the photos in this video’s thumbnail (larger versions appear in the video proper) show me with some of my fellow attendees from brewing companies in their respective countries.
During the 6 week programme, we were taken on tours across breweries and related establishments, research institutes and tourist attractions in the UK (especially England, Wales, and Scotland). The experiences I had, along with the knowledge I was exposed to, were truly enriching.
I have no doubt in my mind that my workplace accomplishments in developing and implementing time, and effort saving spreadsheet automation solutions across multiple departments, using my spare time, was key to my getting nominated to attend that prestigious event, despite being only 6 years old in the company.
It is my hope that as I share my experiences through this podcast series, others nursing ambitions to excel in paid employment will find the insights I offer useful.
Click https://youtu.be/Nn8sJmrGKIQ to watch as I explain how I retrieved over 350 of the photos I took during that trip, from the Kodak Picture CDs they’ve been stored in since 2000.