What follows below is a verbatim text transcript version of an audio podcast preview for this topic.
I offer you the ideas that are contained in this podcast, as one who has LIVED the stuff that I’m going to tell you about.
“I have made sales of all kinds (on and off the web) to clients – total strangers – in over 20 of the 36 states in Nigeria – such as Lagos, Edo, Kano, Kaduna, Plateau, Ogun, Osun, Ekiti, Oyo, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Ebonyi, Delta, Niger, FCT-Abuja etc.
I have also sold my unique range of products and services (see some examples at www.tayosolagbade.com/sdn-sell.htm, www.lulu.com/sdaproducts, and www.tksola.com) to people within and outside the African continent – such as Canada, Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Guinea, Benin Republic, United Kingdom, Phillipines, United Arab Emirates etc.
Every claim I make above is verifiable – I can supply detailed information to back it up.” – Tayo K. Solagbade
Now, with these items, I can give you names and phone numbers to verify. I’m talking from more than 10 years of experience.
And it took me a long time to get where I am today, that I can teach you these things.
Get across to me and I’ll tell you what it entails so we can get started – click HERE NOW.

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement IDEAS
(PI Squared) Newsletter
Monday 22nd October 2018

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016. I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.

PII 139: How to Sell Anything to Anyone, Anywhere [Practical Experience Based Ideas including Examples, Analogies and Real Life stories] that Fit Any Industry or Market – LIVE TALK OR AUDIO PODCAST OFFER
What follows below is a verbatim text transcript version of an audio podcast preview for this topic.
This is Tayo Solagbade.
I am the owner of www.tayosolagbade.com
I’m doing this special audio podcast (which I also offer as a LIVE talk – click here to invite me) because I want to help people – in the course of my interactions with them over the last few months, in 2018 – understand what they need to do to develop the ability to find buyers for whatever it is they sell.
So, the title of this podcast/talk is How to Sell Anything to ANYONE, whether you’re online or offline. In other words, on or off the Internet.
And I offer you the ideas that are contained in this podcast, as one who has LIVED the stuff that I’m going to tell you about.
I have made money by selling…you will not believe the kinds of things I’ve sold. I’ve sold the words of my mouth, in various forms – even just to talk with somebody who has never set eyes on me before.
I have made people pay as much as ten, to twenty, thirty, forty, fifty thousand naira, to have access to the information I offer – as I said in various forms.
Sometimes just to have a conversation with me on phone. Sometimes through MP3 audio podcasts, like THIS one. Sometimes in form of videos that I put on DVDs that I send through FEDEX courier service to various people across the country.
“I have made sales of all kinds (on and off the web) to clients – total strangers – in over 20 of the 36 states in Nigeria – such as Lagos, Edo, Kano, Kaduna, Plateau, Ogun, Osun, Ekiti, Oyo, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Ebonyi, Delta, Niger, FCT-Abuja etc.
I have also sold my unique range of products and services (see some examples at www.tayosolagbade.com/sdn-sell.htm, www.lulu.com/sdaproducts, and www.tksola.com.) to people within and outside the African continent – such as Canada, Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Guinea, Benin Republic, United Kingdom, Phillipines, United Arab Emirates etc.
Every claim I make above is verifiable – I can supply detailed information to back it up.” – Tayo K. Solagbade
Now, the point I’m making is this. It took me a long time to learn the things I know, and that I offer to teach, in this audio podcast series.
I went through the psychological process of realizing that knowing how to do something did not translate to knowing how to get people to buy it.
Whether it is what you know how to do, in terms of your ability physically, maybe you’re a person that’s good at sewing things or making things. Or you’re a person that has knowledge or expertise that you share with people as a consultant.
Getting people to pay you, what you feel is worth your while, is not something that comes easily.
You may be good at what you do and you have major difficulty getting people to pay you good money for what you do.
So you find yourself constantly struggling.
I have a philosophy that I developed based on the years of suffering and hardship I experienced, trying to find buyers, before I understood how to make it happen.
And that philosophy is this:
I would rather stay without a client, and continue to work on myself, building up new products, creating new opportunities to find buyers, than for me to have a hundred clients, who – for the most part – pay me very little that is commensurate with the effort (I make) and value I add to them.
In other words, people who cheat me, people who underpay me. I do not want to have such clients.
The reason why you don’t want to have such clients is you will never grow. You will constantly be trying to make ends meet. And you will often find that they will (always try to) keep you at that level.
Typically these are people who want to keep you in a position where they will always be able to gain access to you, without YOU becoming too expensive for THEM.
So they see you’re good, and they want to keep you in their shirt pocket. They want to bring you out when they need you, because they know you’re extremely good at what you do, but they don’t want you to grow too big for them to afford.
So these are the kind of people that never want to see you explode i.e. manifest and flourish in your full path.
They don’t necessarily hate you. They are just people who are cheap minded.
Now, one of the rules for finding the buyers that will pay you what you want, so that you can sell anything to anybody, is to understand that you have to have what is called a Target Audience Profile.
You have to define your ideal customer.
So, what you’re going to learn from me here, is based on the experiences I’ve had, and the years of deep thinking and reflection I did, to understand that I could not have everybody that walked up to me, as a client – and that I had to have a screening process, to separate the “wheat from the Chaff” as it were.
To understand that not everybody that has money, would be a good client for me. Even if s/he is a millionaire, s/he may not be a good client for you. Those are realities you have to face.
There are a lot of things I’m going to tell you in this audio podcast series. If you pay attention to what I tell you, and you put them into use – forget about whether you have money in your pockets. You must be able to do the things I will tell you, with confidence.
Your confidence should never be in direct correlation to the amount of money in your pockets.
In other words, if the level of your self-confidence is directly proportional to amount of money you have in your pockets or your bank account, you have a problem.
You must be a person that can speak and act with confidence as a salesman, regardless of how much money you think you have; regardless of what you think your need is. I have walked into people’s offices with empty pockets, with no fuel in my car, no idea of how I was going to get home – and I’ve walked out of the place with sometimes a cheque of N150, 000.0 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira) or even cash of that amount or more.
Now, with these items, I can give you names and phone numbers to verify. I’m talking from more than 10 years of experience.

And it took me a long time to get where I am today, that I can teach you these things.
But like I said the first thing I want you to understand is your philosophy. And the philosophy is that I would rather be completely “clientless” (if there’s such a word) – have no clients, no business, nobody giving me jobs, than for me to be engaged serving clients, working my (butt) off, for people who for the most part, will not pay me what is worth my while.
What is worth the effort, time and value I add to them?
So you’ve got to have that understanding. Sometimes you need to be able to walk away from (some) opportunities to make money, because the opportunity to make money is one that is going to enslave you.

Above Screenshot of Facebook Messenger conversation: The app this gentleman wants costs $65 USD. If he is not willing to incur the small expense of less than $1 USD to speak with me for about 2 minutes during which time I ask 3 questions that often need only YES/NO answers (like MANY others before him have done), then I doubt I would be making good use of my time chatting with him on WhatsApp. I’ve tested this logic countless times for years and it rarely failed me. So, this is an example of how I use simple hurdles to screen out potential time wasters from leads my Web Marketing System generates. During my LIVE talks I offer more experience based insights using true stories.
If you want to be able to sell anything to anybody, you’ve got to be able to do that profitably. If you’re going to be somebody that can say that you’re in business really.
You’ve got to be able to grow your brand. So you’ve got to understand that not everybody who offers you money will be good for you.
Okay. So that’s the foundation of everything I’m going to teach you. And I want you to understand that you need to accept and adopt that philosophy, if you want to be able to succeed with the ideas I give you, in this series.
So, in the next couple of clips, I’m going to be telling you more. I’m going to give you what I call the rules for making sales.
Maybe I should just hint you. The first one is this (and I got it from Burt Dubin)…
“You are a marketer first, and an expert second” – Burt Dubin, www.burtdubin.com [World Renowned mentor of some of the world’s highest paid speakers, Creator of the celebrated Speaking Success System]
No matter what it is you do that you sell. No matter what you’re good at that you make money with. Forget about that. Put it behind you (or aside in your mind) and focus on how to develop your marketing and selling skills.
That is your priority as a person in business to make money.

If you don’t have marketing and selling competence, you are going to be in trouble, no matter how good you are at what you do.
So you are a marketer first, and an expert second. Keep that in mind. In the next audio clip, I’ll break it down and let you know what that means (in detail – using examples, analogies and real life stories) and what you need to do.
My name again is Tayo Solagbade. This is supposed to be a preview to the actual training titled “How to Sell Anything to Anybody or to Anyone” – whether you’re online or offline. In other words whether you’re on the Internet or not on the Internet.
And if you want to get the full compliment, the full package of this audio podcast series, then all you have to do is send me an email via tayo at tksola dot com or send me an SMS on +234-803-302-1263 in Nigeria, or +229-66-122-136 in Benin Republic.
Send me an SMS. DO NOT CALL ME. Send me an SMS and tell me you’re interested in this audio podcast series and I’ll send you details of how you can get a copy.
Now I do offer a talk – click the link below to get across to me if you want to invite me to speak to your group.
Maybe you’re a group of farmers, or CEOs in an association or business location (e.g. plaza or complex) etc.
Fill and submit the form on the page linked below to request details of how to invite me:
Get across to me and I’ll tell you what it entails so we can get started – click HERE NOW.
Wherever you may be.
If you want me to come and speak to your group on this topic (How to Sell Anything to Anyone) – believe me when I say that I have practical experience based ideas (including examples, analogies and real life stories) that will fit any industry or market.
As a multipreneur, my keen multidisciplinary aptitude equips me to come up with workable ideas for problem solving in different situations.
Get across to me and I’ll tell you what it entails so we can get started – click HERE NOW.

Get 1 Year Web Marketing Saupport: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club
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Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc
2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
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