Some people do not sell with integrity – and this is often apparent from the fact they do (what I describe as) “Hit and Run” business
In other words, they sell to buyers, without caring whether or not the latter are satisfied – and often because of that, they never consider trying to sell to the same persons again.
If that describes you, then stop reading right here. This article is NOT for you – as what it recommends is very unlikely to appeal to you…except you wish to turn over a new leaf, and start treating buyers RIGHT!
What I propose in this piece will make people who buy from you WANT to stay on and relate with/buy even more from you, for the long term – because they will be happy to have bought from you!

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement IDEAS
(PI Squared) Newsletter
Monday 20th August 2018

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016. I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.

PII 130: Proven Secret to Generating Repeat Purchases from Buyers
Some people do not sell with integrity – and this is often apparent from the fact that they do (what I describe as) “Hit and Run” business
In other words, they sell to buyers, without caring whether or not the latter are satisfied – and often because of that, they never consider trying to sell to the same buyers again.
If the above describes you/what you do to make money in your business, then stop reading right here. This article is NOT for you – as what it recommends is very unlikely to appeal to you…except, of course, if you wish to turn over a new leaf, and start treating buyers RIGHT!
What I propose in this piece will make people who buy from you WANT to stay on and relate with/buy even more, from you, for the long term – because they will be happy to have bought from you the first time!
I say the above, based on my experience based achievements. And I share below a few examples, to illustrate the point I wish to make.
READ: No. 119: How to Achieve Success in Any Field (True Story) -this article has been read over 26,000 (26k) times. Click to read it in a new browser window.
Most of the buyers of my multidisciplinary range of performance improvement products and services (especially since 2010, when I resolved to focus on selling remotely to a globally paying target audience) have NEVER met with me in the flesh
And yet, many of them have – since buying from me (by taking MASSIVE LEAPS OF FAITH) gone on to maintain relationships with me that have gone beyond “business” into real friendships that both parties truly cherish.
READ: Can You Be Trusted?(Real Life Farm Business Sales Conversations With People Just Like You)
Every now and then the possibility of meeting up has of course been raised.
For instance, recently a long time Kano based Farm CEO client – Alhaji Sanni – (who has made repeated purchases from me) called to thank me for sending him a replacement of his personalized version of my Excel-VB Ration Formulator software. [NB: He’d lost the one he’d paid for – I send the latest version to EVERY past buyer who requests it, at zero cost to him/her]
Before ending the call, Alhaji expressed the desire to one day meet me in person saying
“Tayo, it would be nice to meet with you one of these days. Look, why not come down to Kano – and we will host you…”
I replied that I wanted that just as much as he did, noting that I would plan such a visit, especially since apart from him, I actually had 4 other Kano based clients – all never having met me before.
TIP: Several times in the past, my efforts to organize a live feed formulation workshop, free for my clients (see example here) had not worked out too well, because we could not agree a date convenient for most of them to attend. That challenge was what led me to create my Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series.
I’ve had many of my past buyers/clients – from within and outside Nigeria/Africa – express the desire to meet me, like Alhaji did.
Over a year ago, a client based in Ghana’s Accra called to tell me how he’d used my Ration Formulator to improve his custom feed compounding for his Commercial Rabbit farm, to the extent that he’d begun selling custom formulated feed to other livestock farmers.
READ: PII 032: Maximise Returns by Integrating Rabbit Farming into Your Farm Operations [True Story: Excerpts from my response to a tweeted request from Eno, a Nigerian Rabbit farm owner]
At a point he suggested that if I ever came down to Ghana, he would want to introduce me to other farm CEOs in his network who he believed would need my help etc.
More recently, a Real Estate Consultant who has been a Web Marketing client for almost 2 years now , while we were talking on phone suggested it might be good to meet up somewhere in Lagos. We’ll probably be making that happen sometime in the near future.
For now, however, only on a handful of occasions has it so far been possible to make in person meetings with my past buyers happen.
Sometimes it has been through small group coaching events – like the one I organized for members of my MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation club, which I came down from Cotonou, to run in Lagos.
READ: PII 006: Succeed by Becoming an Expert at Solving Real World Problems [Hint: Highlights from Maiden Edition of Tayo Solagbade’s FREE Monthly Workshop for his MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club Members Held on Sat 19th March 2016 in Lagos-Nigeria]
At other times, it has been through agreed face to face meetings – like the one I had with the chap – Enuenwemba Chukuyenum (Chuks) – standing with me in the photo below taken back in 2014.

Read the article I published about our meeting here (click).
Read the Facebook post I published here (click).
An agribusiness consultant with an agro allied company at the time, Chuks had purchased my Ration Formulator in 2012. That was before I began my Lagos-Cotonou corridor shuttling as a Location Independent Multipreneur.
Over the course of several phone and email conversations we found we were like minded and began to share news of what we were doing with one another – ME doing more of it!
One day, I’d come into town late in the evening, and called him up to say hello/share some new ideas/insights I had, which I thought (based on our past exchanges) might interest him.
As our conversation got more animated, he said it would be nice to meet face to face, so he could put a real life face to the name. I thought THAT made sense – so we discussed ways to make it happen.
A few days later, we met up for the first time EVER, since he became a paying client over 2 years earlier. But we hugged one another like old friends, back patting and all – on lookers would have been fooled!
Venue was the inside of the Mr. Bigg’s outlet located at Maryland bus stop area.
The photo of us was taken by my first son – who was 15 years old at the time.
By way of interest, I took the boy along to witness my meeting with this never-before-seen client of mine, so he could UNDERSTAND how I made/make money remotely, selling digital products and services to buyers, who are mostly total strangers when we first begin “talking”.
Indeed, I do this with my kids all the time – as part of what I call Best Practice Parenting.
READ: Selling Skills Development in Tayo Solagbade’s Personal Achievement Coaching for Kids (PACK)™ Project [Hint: Finding Buyers for Cakes Made Without Oven]
At my coaching/speaking events, I take one of more of my kids along to SEE what I do and how, so as to give them a mental preparation towards doing similar stuff at some point in their lives, when they eventually discover the purpose and passion.
READ: [Advice for Smart Parents] You Need to Give Your Kids Real World Relevant Coaching NOW, If They Are to Succeed…In Their Adult Lives!
READ: TRUE STORY: An Invitation from The Ministry of Youth and Social Development to Discuss My Paper Titled “Schooling Is a Means to an End and NOT an End In Itself”
READ: PII108: Why I Do NOT Want My Kids to Get the Same Formal Schooling I Got [PDF Report]
Final Words
Having said all of the above, it goes without saying, that if the product/service they’d bought from me had not met their expectations, my clients would not be staying in touch with me, for so long (year in year out, some for OVER 7 years now – and buying more!) like they do, talk less of asking to meet with me in person.
So what have I been doing that’s made my buyers often act this way towards me?
Well, it’s simple.
I ALWAYS – and I do mean ALWAYS – under-promise to over-deliver in terms of what I SELL to them.
And by under-promising, I do not imply aiming to undercut or cheat/deny the client of what is due to him/her.
Instead, what I do is to assess the client’s need, based on what s/he tells me, and then decide whether THAT need is something the SOLUTION I offer can MEET.
If YES, I tell him/her so, and if s/he’s convinced, I make the sale and deliver to him/her.
BUT…I do NOT stop there…
Instead after delivering what s/he has paid for and is expecting, I begin, over time, to give him/her all kinds of follow up benefits in various forms e.g. surprise bonuses targeted to meet the unique needs I have DEDUCED, from our “conversations” that s/he has.
And as I do that, I gently check for any challenges s/he may be having with using the solution I’ve delivered, or with making progress towards a valued goal s/he has told me about.
Wherever I discover an opportunity to add value, I go out of my way, to offer it – most times at little or no additional cost to him/her i.e. FREE.
Why do I do this?
I do it because I KNOW that when people buy from vendors, most times they do not expect that kind of passionate, enthusiastic no-strings-attached follow up from a seller who has nothing to gain by doing so.
And THAT makes them take a second look at me, and it clicks in their minds that I REALLY care.
Once they realize that I am honestly interested in helping them succeed, they open up and subsequently begin to reach out.
Over time, the relationship grows and sooner than later, the natural happens: TRUST is cemented.
As is common knowledge, when there is trust, sales become so much easier to close.
READ: Can You Be Trusted?(Real Life Farm Business Sales Conversations With People Just Like You)
And THAT is the reason why it pays to under-promise and over-deliver!
Those you serve, in that manner, with your products and services, WILL notice the difference between YOU and others who do what you do.
And they will want to bring you closer to them, so they can have constant access to benefit from you – translating to REPEAT SALES OPPORTUNITIES for you!
Other Articles
[OFFER] Attract High Quality Buyers At Zero Cost: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club
Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc
2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
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