I use what I call a “Public Speaking for Business Marketing” (PSBM) to cost-effectively boost my name and brand recognition in my target market place.
This involves looking out for and/or creating speaking opportunities in which I share my knowledge and expertise to a niche audience of experts interested in the solutions I offer.
Most times when I am the one who initiates contact with the target group or organisation, I do NOT request payment for my talks.
They are typically 20 minutes to 1 hour in duration, and most times I’ll have created a BREAKOUT session of a day or more, which will require the client to make payment,based on what would have been a positibe experience with the short preview talk.
Contrary to what most people tend to think when they first encounter my offers, however, the intent is rarely to get hired to speak or provide a service to be paid.
Instead, my purpose is very often to establish a trust based relationship by giving massive value without demanding or expecting ANYTHING in return.
Sometimes I notice those I offer/give FREE talks seem to see me as foolish and even proceed to act in ways that suggest they believe I’m losing out by doing things that way – and THAT makes me smile inwardly!
Yes, I smile to myself because I KNOW they think that way, because they lack ONE powerful insight that I have had access to, via my studies of accomplished public speaking self-marketing professionals like the legendary Burt Dubin, who I have had the privilege of working with, and enjoy great friendship with.
At 95 years of age, today, Burt no longer actively sells most of the solutions offers.
But a visit to www.burtdubin-blog.com/ should still give you a peek into the exciting variety of high quality information products he has provided to public speaking and business marketing expertise around the world, for many decades.
That’s in addition to phone and email mentoring he did (and probably still does).
So what’s the insight that I gained from exploring Burt’s wealth of knowledge and wisdome?
Well, it’s that EVERY talk you deliver or indeed any speaking event you host (seminar,workshop etc) can be recorded and sold = REPEATEDLY, after it ends, thereby generating a potentially endless stream of passive incoem for you.
Think about it this way – and I have experienced it, so I know it’s not a far fetched idea:
Not every target groups of experts that needs your talk will have the time, money or resources to invite you to speak to them. Sometimes it might even be YOU who lacks the time or resources to make yourself available to speak to some group members or other audiences.
However, there is a solution that works, if done right.
You see, while giving that talk, you can record your entire presentation LIVE, and then later edit/publish it, say as an MP4 video, or MP3 audio for download online, or playback on CD/DVD. such that it delivers roughly the same learning as those who attend your LIVE event will get.
Once you’ve done that (to an acceptable quality standard, that would justify charging a fee), put a price on it, and offer it to those who may NOT be able to attend your LIVE event for any reason.
I have done this with great success to show many times for various products and services I offer. Typically, I would sit in a quiet room and record whatever message or presentation I know is in demand, and them offer it via my website.
But it was from Burt Dubi’s website that I got the idea to record myself speaking during my LIVE talks, and then offer THAT recording for sale to a LARGER audience of potential buyers (in addition to the original audience members, in case any are interested).
He actually has products like that on sale, from decades back.
Think about this and you will see how it can transform the way you make money..
Even when you give FREE talks on a subject you’re an expert authority on, if you record it the way I propose here, you can leave that FREE talk venue and go elsewhere to sell that recording to others who may not be able to invite you, but who NEED or WANT to hear your message.
That’s what I did 2 days ago, when I gave my flagship Web Marketing talk to executives of a network marketing company this past Thursday, 15th February 2018.
The audience and organizers did not notice it, but I had my powerful smartphone recorder ON as I spoke, and periodically checked it to be sure it was working okay, as I spoke, right till the end.
However, as is my usual habit, I did not stop with just the audio recording. Instead, I went further to transcribe the audio to a written PDF ebook version,
So, by the end of last night, I had a new product that I announced via Facebook as being available for sale: the PDF ebook.
Today, I’m sending out notices to all my subscribers and contacts, offering the ebook (with the option of download access to the audio) for sale to interested persons.
I gave the talk FREE – But now sell a new product created by recording THAT same talk!
But how can I be sure anyone would want to buy the ebook or audio?
Well, going by the comments they filled on my feedback form, my talk added significant value to them in various ways, some of which they stated (see in image below) .
Therefore it’s likely to add useful value to others like them – and such persons are those likely to welcome the ebook product.
Indeed, even some of those who attended the event may wish to own the PDF ebook version so they can RELIVE the experience and/or share it with their team members.
See how being willing to give of yourself, so FREELY can still equip you with powerful money making opportunities?
All it takes to discover and harvest these kinds of ideas is to keep an open mind, and avoid having a rigid mindset about how things are (or should be) done.
Click here to request details of how you can get the PDF ebook version of my talk.
Here’s an excerpt from the ebook version of my talk
PDF Ebook Transcript Version of LIVE AUDIO Recording of Tayo Solagbade’s talk titled “Attract Profitable Buyers at Zero Cost…Even While YOU Sleep” delivered Thurs 15th Feb 2018 to National Executives of Life Plus International at Top Rank Hotel Galaxy, Opebi – Ikeja, Lagos – Nigeria.

Excerpt No. 1: “I’m trying to tell you that you have to have passion for what you do. And you have to use this your passion to build relationships. So when you were discussing about those people that will come and signup, I was thinking “How will they get there? How will you find and win them over to sign up? It’s easier said than done!”
One way is (what I call) the Cave Man approach: You know the marketer that goes around with metaphorical club, hunting for clients. Once s/he sees someone likely to need the product/service, s/he beats him/her (figuratively speaking), on the head saying “Oga signup, sign-up!” repeatedly till the person gives in (often out of frustration) and buys!
Then there is the other way in which you dangle a carrot: For instance you know when you’re fishing, how you put a worm at the end of a hook that you then dip in the water where you want to catch fish, using a fishing line. And the guy comes nibbling at the bait – you don’t have to do much of anything because he wants it!
That second method is better, because you don’t have resentment.”
Click here to request details of how you can get the PDF ebook version of my talk. http://tayosolagbade.com/contact.htm