Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement IDEAS
(PI Squared) Newsletter
Monday 26th September 2016

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016. I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.
PII 033: Five Ways to Make Money in Nigeria Without Spending Money [5 Week Email Course Based on True Stories]
Exactly ONE year ago, today, I launched my Spontaneous Coaching to become a Master of Adversity (MA) ™ program
In it, I offer my over 2 decades of hard won experience based insights on how to succeed – in spite of daunting adversity – by doing what MOST sane, logical minded, “commonsense” people would NOT do
My achievements are proof that this is true. I practice what I preach. As a result, I am able to thrive in the face of challenges.
Today, with the extreme visitations of hardship being experienced by most people, especially in Nigeria, insights like those that I offer can yield potentially valuable rewards.
Of all the challenges being faced by people, and businesses however, it is the financial one that is most painful, and limiting.
Sadly, most people are at a loss as to what they can do. In most cases what they have always done to make money, and which is more or less the only way they know, is NOW no longer working as well as it used to. Or in some cases it is simply NOT working any longer. In other words, their income has more or less dried up – and they are scared, terrified even – understandably too.
Indeed, when you listen to conversations amongst people in society as well on social, and mass media in general, one consistent refrain you hear is THERE IS NO MONEY.
The problem I however see is that most of those complaining fail to realize that the real problem with things as they are today, for them and others around, is NOT that there is NO MONEY.
Instead it is that there is a paucity or disappointing lack of CREATIVE and INNOVATIVE thinking on the part of most people, especially in the Nigerian social space.
Don’t get me wrong. People are being creative and innovative. The problem I see is that they are doing it in conventional ways.
Very few, if at all any are consciously choosing to step out of, or even destroy the figurative “box” completely in applying their creative and innovative abilities.
This is why most of the results they continue to get, remain for the most part far from being exceptional.
Unfortunately, the times we’re in require exceptional results, for useful advancement to be made. People need to do away with traditional ways of looking at problems in society, and begin to embrace new and different ways of approaching them.
One good example is how we continue to talk lack of money. We fail to see the point that geniuses like Robert Kiyosaki and Dan Kennedy have been making about money for years.
It was from reading the works of the former, that I learned to THINK up ways to PRINT my own money, and it’s being a valuable skill that has helped me grow as in my work, financially and professionally – regardless of the prevailing socio-economic circumstances.
And from the latter, that is Mr. Kennedy, I learned that I did NOT need to have (or spend) money in order to make money.
“I have long taught: if you can’t make money without money, you won’t make money with money either. And if you’re going to back somebody, pick an entrepreneur who has proven that he can survive without adequate capital” – Dan Kennedy (Millionaire Entrepreneur/Author of “How to succeed in Business by breaking all the rules”)
What I’m saying in essence is that too many people are focusing on the wrong thing i.e. the “lack of money”, when in fact what they need to do is focus on doing engaging in creative and innovative activities in NEW and UNPRECEDENTED ways (emphasis VERY deliberate) to create value that earns them money they need.
I practice, what I preach above. It is how I have worked and lived for years, right here in Africa, and I have a small but growing army of loyal clients who do business with me in the manner I describe above.
The interesting thing is that I continue to evolve new and better ways of doing what I do, and sometimes when I think of how simple and easy the methods I use are, I feel a bit guilty.
Especially when I hear or read others with what I consider greater talents, or abilities and resources that I have at my disposal moaning about hard times. They focus so narrowly on the one or few ways of doing what they do, missing the opportunities to be had from operating the way I do.
This is why I’ve resolved to launch
“Five Ways to Make Money in Nigeria Without Spending Money [Based on Verifiable Real Life Achievements]”
It’s a 5 Week Email course that I will deliver to subscribers with support to help them get STARTED making money BEFORE they finish the course.
For each of the 5 ways, I will supply real life case studies from start to end, with names, dates and locations, to back up all my claims.
Then I will explain the process by which the learner can REPLICATE and/or ADAPT what I did to succeed in his/her own unique area of interest or expertise.
In other words, I will deliver the training content to you, and then make practical suggestions about how you can make use of my ideas to achieve your own success.
You will then put what you’ve learned to use, with my support and guidance, until you get it right and begin selling.
This program is however NOT for all comers.
First you have to qualify. I must see potential for success in terms of who you are, what you do, which I will establish via a Needs Analysis Session. But that will only apply to people who are NOT already my clients.
Anyone on my clients list has already gone through that screening process.
To learn more about how to enroll for this course, click here to send me a message.
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