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Archive | August, 2014


Use Joint Venture Marketing Partnerships to Achieve Greater Marketing Success

9 August 2014

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The use of Joint Venture Marketing Partnerships to boost sales is a time tested strategy. Sadly, not many people understand how it works, and/or how to use it successfully. This article offers explanations and insights interested persons can use. How It Works: The example of a well known publisher of a business magazine This gentleman […]

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Teach Your Child to Learn By Discovery

8 August 2014

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Yesterday, I arrived my home in Lagos, from Cotonou at 11.30 p.m. There was no power, and I learnt the "small" generator “ (I pass my neighbour) stopped working days ago". Asking “Has the plug been cleaned?” would however lead my 13 year old son to SHOCK ME by servicing and starting the generator successfully […]

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Why You May Not Need To Rent An Office To Start YOUR Business!

7 August 2014

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Believing you need to have your own office/staff from the start could be a BIG mistake. With only a few exceptions, most businesses can be prudently started up on a small budget, in a way that would increase their changes of achieving long term success. The problem seems however to be that certain individuals come […]

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Societies That Progress Make Their Best Talents Feel Wanted

6 August 2014

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Nigeria has wonderful talents that can add great value to the world. But they need a favourable environment to flourish. Today, I paid for a nice apartment (photos below) that -post refurbishing – my family will soon join me to live in here in Cotonou. If I had a choice, I would have stayed in […]

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[Now Available!] KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life.

5 August 2014

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In this unusual book, Tayo Solagbade narrates 5 true stories about a dizzying variety of (sometimes shocking) escapades he engaged in – while schooling – that repeatedly landed him in trouble, causing his parents avoidable heart breaks. In the first story, Tayo suffers the embarrassment of having a female classmate falsely accuse him – to […]

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No. 153: A “Formula” Schools Need to Teach, But Don’t! (FREE PDF Report)

4 August 2014

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“Any school that teaches this “formula” will discover her products – who apply it diligently – will never beg for jobs, or experience “unemployment”, talk less of poverty. If you think that’s a reckless claim, I challenge you to read this report with an open mind. Unless you detest authentic success, when you’re done, you’ll […]

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Entrepreneurs Need Opportunities To Serve For A Profitable Fee – NOT Handouts Or Pity!

2 August 2014

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What would be your reaction if an individual just starting up, or in the difficult early stages of running, his/her business (e.g a book writing and publishing support service) approached you, asking you to consider purchasing part-ownership in it? Would you look objectively at his/her ability, the market potential of his (hopefully) unique offering and […]

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“Bleaching” Your Skin Insults Your Creator, and Makes You Lose Dignity (Message from Fela Anikulapo Kuti and Lupita Nyong’o to Black/African Parents & their Children)

1 August 2014

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One of Fela’s most popular songs when I was a child was :”Yellow Fever” – released when I was 6 years old, in 1976. I LOVED that song. Still do too(see Youtube video below)! He was basically challenging skin-bleaching black men and women, who wanted to become “white” by force, out of an inferiority complex, […]

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